Marketing and Contact Preferences - Is it on or off?!
I have cancelled my Virgin Media subscription due to the multiple price increases (from £58 to £62 to £120) and in doing so I ended up speaking to a Virgin Media person (retentions maybe?!) a few days later. We had a chat about my account but I couldn't accept the offer of a new contract just because it was still a lot of money and I didn't quite understand the person so it made me hesitant to agree to something I didn't quite hear correctly. Due to this issue I *think* I ended up agreeing to having my Marketing and Contact preferences switched off. Again, I *think* the person then made a comment about attaching a note to my account saying I don't want to speak to Virgin Media again. However, I would actually be open to discussing a deal with Virgin Media so I decided to check my account and everything seemed okay in the Marketing and Contact preferences section to ensure that I could speak to a person if they decided to reach out to me. To make sure that my preferences were as I wanted them, I decided to select the options again, which were to be contacted by Email/Text message/Phone call/Post and I also selected the "Sounds Good! Keep me up to date option in my account.
Despite selecting this I had a message telling me i've opted out - the opposite to what I wanted.
I contacted VM help bot and the agent said they have changed it again so everything should be fine now.
I've since gone back into my account and I am still getting the same messages, which suggests that something is either wrong with my account or i've got a note or setting which is permanently saying I'm opting out.
Can anyone member of VM check my account and tell me what's actually going on? Thanks!!