Forum Discussion

Adam43's avatar
Joining in
8 months ago

Let down by virgin

Hi there I'm Adam and am feeling so let down by virgin my contract was coming to an end a I received a new offer and accepted it for £73 by the app I accepted it and received my paper work and the equipment then my bill came in saying I owed 120 something so I phoned up they said it had not been applied but they agreed to honour it the they said they would discount my bill to the agreed amount £73 and add a rolling discount each month so it will bill at the agreed amount with no mention of set up fees on the contract or when talking to them this went smoothly and was only charged the agreed amount I was also told that there would be notes added to my account.  Then next month came bill saying I owed £192 the rolling credit had not been applied and it said I owed them money from last month and a set up fee so I phoned up had to send in proof so emailed them the two contracts and what was agreed told I'd be phoned back the next day but nothing so phoned them again the agreed to waver the set up fee but said I'd need to wait to the managers in to sort out the rest am still waiting fell so let down and lied to 

  • Hello Adam43.

    Thanks for your first post and welcome to our Community.
    Sorry to hear you are having an issue with you renewal offer not being correct.

    Normally we advise customers to follow to contact our customer service team with any package issues, however as you've tried already with no joy I'd like to take a look into this for you.
    If you don't mind, I will need to send you a private message to pass security. 
    If you can check your logo at the top right of your screen that would be great. 

  • Thank you very much for your time and patience today Adam43.

    It was a pleasure being able to resolve the issues with your contract and activation charges.

    If you need anything else at all, please don't hesitate to pop back on here.
