Keep getting messages saying my VM contract has ended when it hasn't
I took the opportunity to renew my contract at the end of last year and chose an 18 month one with promotional prices valid until 9th June 2025. I was sent a copy of the contract and when I select 'View contract' in My Virgin Media, the correct information is displayed.
However, I keep getting emails saying my contract has ended and these are both annoying and confusing. If I click the link in the email, log in and click 'Explore your renewal deal', the link is frustratingly dead so that doesn't get me anywhere.
I haven't got time to waste on the phone enquiring about this so I tried the WhatsApp route. What a waste of time. The person responding didn't seem to understand what I was trying to say and kept trying to sell me stuff. When I sent a screenshot of the contract and asked him/her to sort it out, they transferred me to someone else who opened with the question "So I believe you're looking to change your package?" Grrrrrr *hurls phone at wall*
I am paying the amount I expect to pay, which I'm aware is subject to inflation next month, and there is confirmation the discounts apply until June 2025 so I don't think this is a problem, and is likely to be an internal glitch, but I'm happy to be told otherwise.