Forum Discussion

Philipo7's avatar
Joining in
7 months ago

Contract not being honored

I am always very aware of prices going up at the end of contracts so I added a calendar entry to phone Virgin. I received a new package which I was OK to proceed with and I received the contract on email. This was on the 16th July.

I contacted VM on the 5th August to discuss a credit because they have over charged me on my latest bill. While on the chat, I also asked when my new deal kicks. I was then told that the new deal would not be going through "due to lack of availability". The advisor said that she could match the deal and processed it. I received another contract but was told again that it's not going through.

I called them (fed up with whatsapp chat) this morning to see what is going on. I was told that they will honour the contract but she needed to fill out a form which will take 3-5 days. 

I have zero faith that this is going to go through and I'll ended up having a massive row because I've gone in to my none contract price. Any help would be appreciated.

I find this all a bit mad especially when I thought I had agreed on a deal.


  • Hi there Philipo7 

    Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 

    I am so sorry for the confusion regarding your new deal and thank you again for taking the time to post. It seems as though the telephone team may have already sorted the request for you but I would be happy to double check this with you via a private message and will pop one across now. 

    I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the envelope at the top of your screen alerting you to a new message.