Contract not being honored
I am always very aware of prices going up at the end of contracts so I added a calendar entry to phone Virgin. I received a new package which I was OK to proceed with and I received the contract on email. This was on the 16th July.
I contacted VM on the 5th August to discuss a credit because they have over charged me on my latest bill. While on the chat, I also asked when my new deal kicks. I was then told that the new deal would not be going through "due to lack of availability". The advisor said that she could match the deal and processed it. I received another contract but was told again that it's not going through.
I called them (fed up with whatsapp chat) this morning to see what is going on. I was told that they will honour the contract but she needed to fill out a form which will take 3-5 days.
I have zero faith that this is going to go through and I'll ended up having a massive row because I've gone in to my none contract price. Any help would be appreciated.
I find this all a bit mad especially when I thought I had agreed on a deal.