Forum Discussion

regentroad5's avatar
Up to speed
8 months ago

Cancelling query.

On 27th June I rang Virgin Media to give 30 days cancellation. An offer was made by retentions (I presume), but this would have represented a 25% increase on what I was paying up to April, so I declined.

The gentleman I spoke to said he would cancel, but asked me if I wished to retain my phone line. I said yes but immediately regretted this and rang back and said I wished to cancel all services. 

However if I look on my online account and click on my contract, it shows a "Service change receipt" which appears to indicate that my telephone line rental is still active. Despite numerous call to VM, this still remains the case. As a result I've submitted a Virgin Media online complaint form.

The reason I'm a little concerned is because after cancelling I came across this on another forum...

"Oh lordy, lord. You are in for a world of pain I fear. VM have a different team that handle migrations (keep phone number), they do not communicate with retentions. It was cancelled, then not, as migrations don't show as cancelled, then it was, but they couldn't offer as the number was with migrations, who said it wasn't cancelled... I took it to a formal complaint and weeks to sort out.."

I'm hoping this wont be the case with me, because I'm hoping VM retentions will come back and offer a reasonable deal, because I've been with them for many years and don't really want to leave, but finances are a major considerations nowadays.

  • Suggest you wait for the VM forum team to reply here (usually within a few days) and tell you what the status of your account is.

  • Oh lordy, lord. You are indeed in for a world of pain I fear. The slightest complication like this is highly likely to bring the VM operational house of cards crashing down immediately. Best of luck to you. Thoughts and prayers etc. 

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    You have created a scenario with the potential for a lot of VM 'confusion' to occur!

    Do you ideally want to stay with VM for a better renewal offer?

    Is your strategy to cancel everything in the hope of getting a retentions call back?

    At the moment it seems you are left with landline only (which has most likely been set up as a new contract, at a guess).

    If you do end up having to move provider, are you hoping to take the landline number with you? The operational status of the landline determines if the number can be ported or not.

    • regentroad5's avatar
      Up to speed

      Hi Goslow,

      It appears so, although as soon as I put the phone down I realised my error, and rang back.

      And yes, the initial strategy was to cancel everything in the hope of getting a retentions call back. Have I messed that up?

      I have rung VM back a few times since, and have been told everything has been cancelled. However, this isn't reflected on my "Service change receipt" (or new contract?) which continues to show I have an active rental line subscription.

      I've sent a complaint via web form. 

      Is the VM accounts/billing/contracts system so unwieldy it cannot rectify something like this?

      If I'm able to negotiate a new contract with VM, I'll make sure I never do anything like this again, not that anything similar had previously occurred with VM.

      • Vikki_M's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi regentroad5

        Thanks for your post.

        I'm sorry to hear there's been some confusion regarding the disconnection of the phone line.

        I'll send you a private message now so I can help :).

        Please look out for the envelope in the top right of the page and pop back to me when you can. 

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Suggest you wait for the VM forum team to reply here (usually within a few days) and tell you what the status of your account is.

  • Happy to report that VM have been in touch and and made an offer I am happy with.

    So, I'll be staying!

    Just wish one didn't have to indulge in this game of brinkmanship at contracts end.

    All well in the end though.