Cancellation process - Some questions!
So our contract with Virgin Media comes to an end on April the 3rd and we've been speaking to other companies about what they can offer us. We're currently paying £53.27 for the M250 service and that will likely go up to around £60 in April due to the price increase. I just can't pay those sorts of prices, especially when I see VM offering new customers the same speed for around £30. I've been with VM for a long time now and have always been nervous about switching providers because I rely heavily on broadband due to a medical condition and limited mobility.
We've spoken to other providers who can offer much better deals. Yes, we won't be getting the same speeds because only VM can offer those speeds in my area but I'm pretty much done with VM. I've spoken to VM on the phone and the best they could offer was £40 a month for the M250, but I think we're better off leaving and going elsewhere. However, one concern that's popped up relates to how long Sky will take to fit their broadband into our home, it'll take four weeks or so. The representative at VM recommended that I not cancel just yet in case I'm left without a connection and instead get back to them once it's fitted. Is this the right thing to do or is VM trying to pull a fast one on me?
I haven't gone through this process before so I'd like to know for sure. I know there's a 30-day period but I don't want to be taken advantage of here. Curious how others went about the cancellation process on here. Thanks in advance.
It is definitely the best thing to do in not cancelling the VM connection until the new one is up and running successfully.