Forum Discussion

mingsy's avatar
2 months ago

Broadband Upgrade not Honoured


On Tuesday I logged into my Virgin account and saw an offer to increase my broadband speed from M350 to M500 for £4 per month. I did this online and shortly received an email detailing the new changes and price.

This morning, I received an email telling me there was a problem with the order and to call 0800 064 3830 which I did. I was told there is no record of my order. I asked if I should resubmit my order but was then told that I’m not eligible for that deal. They tried to transfer me to Sales but after waiting in the queue I got cut off.

I called via the usual contact number and spoke to somebody who said there is no record of my order as it takes 14 days to appear on the system. I think this is incorrect, as the change normally takes 14 days.

So I don’t think this is going to happen. The offer is still there and I’ve just received a text from Virgin that takes me to the offer.

Is it possible for someone here to look into this and confirm it will happen?

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    VM appear to have deleted the automation between the Online VM a/c where you can go through the process of selecting a service upgrade and the processing of that upgraded.   It just a way to get customers on the phone where a commission incentivised sales team will only offer rocketing prices. Worse are likely to verbally give your a price only to put through on the the system a much more costly 18 month contract

    • mingsy's avatar

      Thanks for the reply. To be honest they didn't even offer me an alternative price. It was just 'we cant do this'.

  • I've never had any issues with Virgin in the 20 odd years I've been with them. This is disappointing to say the least. I'm hit with this offer every time I log into my account. It's the same deal that was offered before the Black Friday one which was more expensive.🤔

  • I responded to a black Friday deal for this upgrade on 23rd November. The upgrade was free for 3 months then £6 increase a month. Nothing happened for days and I eventually managed to speak to someone who explained these "offers" tyook 14 days. In the event at the 10 day stage I got an email saying the increase had happened. However since that time ( December 3rd ) I have only once achieved 500 the speed I am getting is between 300 - 340 which I was getting on the previous package of M300 ! Wish I hadnt bothered.

    • mingsy's avatar

      Thanks, my concern is that having spoken to two people there is no record of the order. My M350 is always bang on. Maybe you need an engineer visit?

      • Ayisha_B's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi mingsy 👋

        Welcome to our Community Forums and thanks for your post. 

        We're sorry to hear there's been a issue with your order.

        We don't deal with package changes via the Forums so if you call our team on 0345 454 1111, they'll be more than happy to assist further.

        Many thanks

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Hard as it may be to believe, this year VM Customer Service has taken a considerable turn from the worse, we have moved from utterly dreadful to shockingly ghastly.

    The door to door sales team draws pre-order complaints weekly and telephone support / sales almost hourly. Even Bashar al-Assad would be hard pushed to make account management matters more unfriendly for customers.

    That in 2024 a telco / ISP does not support automation of online order from the website is shocking, even in the 1990s Compuserve and AOL did not require one to pick up the phone to speak to a pigeon English off shore service desk to place and order or to cancel a service.

    The day Openreach build another 1000m of FTTP and cover our street will be a day for champagne.

  • A big thank you to @Steven_L for managing to sort this out today.

    • Steven_L's avatar
      Forum Team

      You're very welcome mingsy and glad that I could help you yesterday 👍 Please do let us know here on the forums, if you have any further issues. 

      Kind Regards,
