Forum Discussion

Roger123's avatar
Dialled in
2 months ago

Account and Billing

I am Roger123! My Wife and I are elderly (she is 84) and I am now ‘suffering’ very badly from Parkinson’s disease. The ‘disgusting’, ‘almost’ ‘illegal’ way in which Virgin Media have treated us since the 2nd October, 2023, needs some ‘REPERCUSSION(S)’! I have heard from other Customers of Virgin Media (some very elderly as well) and it is looking pretty ‘BAD’ for Virgin Media from where I am sitting!


[Mod Edit - Post split]


  • Good day, “go slow” ('Alessandro Volta’?). As a ‘good’ Customer since the 02/10/2023, my poor Wife (84) and I ‘suffering’ from Parkinson’s disease, have been 'taken to the cleaners’ after not being HELPED in any way! Virgin Media will 'TRY ANY DODGE’ to ‘pick your pockets’. After 8 (eight) weeks of ‘dispute’ (I am STILL ‘disputing’ Virgin Media’s ATTEMPTS

    TO ‘BLEED US DRY’), they then, being so DYNAMIC, SENT us what is called a lock down letter to contact the Communication Ombudsman, thus 'dumping ALL Virgin Media’s troubles’ on the poor unsuspecting Ombudsman! (typical of the ‘lazy’ **bleep**s and 'unprofessional organisation' Virgin Media have become)

    The lovely ‘Lady’ Ombudsman here tried to get a deal for us against our 1st (first) Virgin bill of *£313.00. (would you believe?) but, using high-powered ***Solicitors to act for Virgin Media (they really care for (!) and ***FIGHT against (!) their Customers)                                         who sent us a **40 (forty!) page document totally in black and not decipherable in their own technical language. To cut a long story short, we received their begrudging £100. amount back! So, I say ‘rubbish’ to Virgin Media for describing the over-worked Ombudsman's huge efforts as being ‘fair and accessible’ (yes when joining us in the ‘horrendous’ FIGHT against those ***HIGH-POWERED SOLICITORS.

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Steven_L recently offered help via a private message at the links below. Did you receive any help there? (New forum software seems to block posting active links, just text only)

    Have you made a formal complaint to VM about your issue(s)?

    The VM complaints process often results in no useful outcome for the customer but it is a required first step in order to go to the ombudsman via the process and timescales below

    The ombudsman will give you a third party adjudication on the issues. Feedback on here, from those who have used it, generally say it was a fair and accessible process.

    • Roger123's avatar
      Dialled in

      Good day, “go slow” ('Alessandro Volta’?). As a ‘good’ Customer since the 02/10/2023, my poor Wife (84) and I ‘suffering’ from Parkinson’s disease, have been 'taken to the cleaners’ after not being HELPED in any way! Virgin Media will 'TRY ANY DODGE’ to ‘pick your pockets’. After 8 (eight) weeks of ‘dispute’ (I am STILL ‘disputing’ Virgin Media’s ATTEMPTS

      TO ‘BLEED US DRY’), they then, being so DYNAMIC, SENT us what is called a lock down letter to contact the Communication Ombudsman, thus 'dumping ALL Virgin Media’s troubles’ on the poor unsuspecting Ombudsman! (typical of the ‘lazy’ **bleep**s and 'unprofessional organisation' Virgin Media have become)

      The lovely ‘Lady’ Ombudsman here tried to get a deal for us against our 1st (first) Virgin bill of *£313.00. (would you believe?) but, using high-powered ***Solicitors to act for Virgin Media (they really care for (!) and ***FIGHT against (!) their Customers)                                         who sent us a **40 (forty!) page document totally in black and not decipherable in their own technical language. To cut a long story short, we received their begrudging £100. amount back! So, I say ‘rubbish’ to Virgin Media for describing the over-worked Ombudsman's huge efforts as being ‘fair and accessible’ (yes when joining us in the ‘horrendous’ FIGHT against those ***HIGH-POWERED SOLICITORS.

  • Hi Roger123 👋 Thanks for taking the time to post. 

    Sorry to hear this feedback about your experience with us, and concerns about both yourself and other customers getting the support they need. 

    As the community have also mentioned - it looks like you are in a PM conversation with my colleague who is offering support to try and help. If you can please get back to them, we will do our best to offer further support. 

    Thank you for your patience in the meantime! 🌞

  • Roger123 here again. I’ll give you ‘Marked as Solution’. I have BARELY started!