Accessing "My Cases" dashboard
I have a complaint currently open since 4th March and wanted to check on it's current status - but I am unable to access the "My Cases" dashboard.
when I click on the link in the complaints page (when logged in), I get the following error.
"We can't show you this bit
Unfortunately it's only the main account holder that can see this information. We recommend you contact the account holder for help."
I am the main account holder, but when making the complaint, I had to change my account email from to - so I can no longer login using the blueyonder email address, and when I login with the virginmedia email, I cannot access the "My Cases" page (but seemingly can access everything else).
if I try to change my account email back from to, it won't allow me to; if I try to use the "forgot my email address" form, I then get "Oops, we've ran into a problem.
Wait a minute and try again. If this doesn't work, please come back later. (Code: DEF01) ".
i've had the webchat open for an hour and still waiting for an agent to reply... so thought i'd ask here.