Why does my browser talk to cpc25-finc13-2-0-cust34.4-2.cable.virginm.net and other [removed] IPs
I've noticed that my web browser connects to various Virgin Media hosts on the [removed] address range on port 80 and I have no idea why. Even if I start in private mode without any tabs open or sites visited I see connections to these addresses. I am using Firefox
Has anybody else noticed this or can shed any light on what could be hosted there ?
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Virgin Media don't pay much attention to hostnames and often repurpose IPs without updating the hostname. It may be that your browser is checking for updates upon launch, by pinging an CDN server. VM have caches of major CDNs within their network and the hostnames for these can be completely outdated. I've even seen some relating to NTL Dial Up modem connections.