Forum Discussion

Tomgrove's avatar
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2 years ago have i been had?

Hi! Panic mode. Old virgin package contract finishes couple weeks saying goung up 100£ month  .email from supposedly virgin looked legit saying offer 75 a month deal to extend contract so pressed renew contract. Gets pre contract v official forms . Virgin kept saying my contract about to end s i phoned asking why more enails as i renewed  lady said no record new contract   i looked up and says dodgy but security certificate says email from virginmedia im completely lost what to do .has someone hacked my account ? I went to change password etc on official virgin site (cant tell anymore) and the verified email is from  any help appreciated 

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The webteam email address is a legit VM address (used for billing when I have had messages from it in the past) if you can satisfy yourself that is the actual source address rather than just a display name.

    If you look through the ‘Managing Your Account – Cable’ forum you will find dozens and dozens of recent topics from people who have tried to renew with VM via some online deal or email upgrade offering, where VM has subsequently failed to process the deal or failed to honour what was offered and, when the customer phones up, the agent says the deal isn't there, the deal never existed, they can't access the deal, the VM dog ate the deal etc. etc. etc.

    In your other topic, the text of the remaining screenshot email is gobbledegook but that is normal for VM too. Genuine emails from VM often appear to have every hallmark of a scam.

    VM sending out repeat reminder emails/texts etc. after you have completed an action is also normal (especially if the renewal you put through has not been actioned by VM)

    So, for the moment, there isn't too much else you can do other than wait and let the VM forum team reply and check it out for you and see if they can confirm you have just been another victim of a failed renewal offer from VM or if something else has happened. They normally reply on here within a few days and should be able to look into it for you.