Reverse engineering and start implementing how the upstream works
So this is just me thinking why is the upstream so bad and without knowing how Docsis works make it better.
So we have downstream which the modem can not Tx unless Rx tells it can and lets also assume that the timing of when the CMTS tells the modem to Tx to the ns to not cause problems when other modem Tx for interfering.
So lets say every 250ms the CMTS tells the modem to Tx a set burst to Tx so first problem is every 250ms means that you have high jitter and latency.
So what if we change that to every 10ms for the modem to Tx a set burst to Tx then the problem is you waste bandwidth should that modem has noting more to Tx
Then the other problem is set burst to Tx maybe the burst is to big or too small
meaning we need some thing dynamic so we could have the CMTS tells the modem to Tx every 250ms but a small burst but the modem when sending the burst to tell the CMTS that I have more to Tx so the CMTS can schedule the modem to Tx before the next 250ms gap and how big of a burst to max or less in modems buffer to Tx.
One small problem with this is you might be waiting for the next 250ms if you did have something to send then don't then do.
So every 50ms or less for a small burst to see if you have something to Tx?
To me this system should work with many modems and the CMTS scheduling everyone fair bandwidth.
Yet VM system don't do this and so scheduling stacks up without doing fair bandwidth just the one asking I got more to Tx at the max burst till it hits the modem user upto limit.
PS sorry for any misstakes blame VM for no Edit option😋