Forum Discussion

Teekay2's avatar
On our wavelength
12 months ago

films in lettebox format and cannot change

Hi, We have a V6 box and a Samsung UE43AU8000 TV. No matter how I change the picture settings we still get many of our films displayed in letterbox format,especially on Netflix. This is a real pro...
  • newapollo's avatar
    12 months ago

    Hi Teekay2 

    Do you have the same issue when using the netflix app on both the TV and on the V6 box watching the same program/movie?   If so it may be your TV settings.

    To set the TV to full screen go to • Settings >  Picture > Picture Size Settings > Picture Size on your TV and make sure it is set to Full Screen.

    Also to change the picture format on your V6 

    Press Home on the remote > then select Help & Settings > Settings > Video Output 

    You can then adjust the following:

    Aspect Correction Mode
    This lets you adjust the way the TV picture fits into your screen. Select from the following options:

    • Full: Set your picture to fill the entire screen. 16:9 (Widescreen) content will display normally, but programs shown in 4:3 may look stretched to fill the full screen. (this is the one you should probably be using)

    • Panel: Perfect if you’re watching a film or program shot in widescreen. Programs shown in 16:9 will be displayed normally, but programs shot in 4:3 might be displayed with bars on the left and right of the picture.

    • Zoom: Widescreen content will display normally in this mode, but 4:3 content might appear with the top and bottom cut off.