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V6 some channels are greyed out

Tuning in

Hi, Some of the channels that I subscribe to are greyed out…..When I look at service status for my area it says no known issues. Can you advise please. The service from Virgin seems to have more problems of late.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

On a TiVo or V6, follow Home > Help & Settings > Help > TV Care > I'm missing some channels

Give it 15 or so minutes and recheck. Any channel that's greyed out on your EPG at that point, is not in your package.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Thanks for your post @bugsyt, and welcome back to our Community Forums!

Sorry to hear of the channels being greyed out on your V6 box.

Can you please provide us with an update, off the back of the advice offered by @japitts, to see if this still needs our attention?

If this is still ongoing, can you confirm which channels are greyed out?

Pictures to offer us this answer are also welcome.



Hi David, 

All sorted now thanks, the problem was to do with an offer to increase broadband speed from 250 to 350 but in turn for unknown reason TV package went from maxit to mixit. Have renewed on better deal including Netflix for another 18 months. Cheers


Hi bugsyt,

Thank you for reaching back out, glad to hear you have now been able to get this resolved and negotiated a better deal, if you do need any further help, please do not hesitate to reach back out.

