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Search shortcuts

On our wavelength

Is there a dedicated search button on the tv360 remote like there was on the V6 remote?

Also, on the guide screen is there a shortcut to get straight to the search function at the top?




Hi snowmen,

No dedicated search button unfortunately, if you are on the TV guide you can press the Home button which will take you to Today at the top and then you can scroll left to search.

If you are on channel 501 for example you can press 1 which will take you to the top of the TV guide or use voice control and say "top".


Fibre optic

You can just say the name of the show into the mic and the 360 will go straight to searching.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

When searching on the EPG you can also press the Home button, then press right and it takes you to the navigation section of the guide with All Channels highlighted. If you then click on All Channels it brings up a category list Documentaries, Entertainment, International, Kids etc so you can go straight to that section.

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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