Forum Discussion

MSHN's avatar
Tuning in
10 months ago

Port Forward on Hub 3 modem mode

Hi, I am using an eero router with a Hub 3 in modem mode. I have set port forwarding on the eero router for port 87 but this is showing as blocked when I test on

I need this port open to receive data on a solar energy app on my iPhone

Any idea how to get ports open - do VM block ports? Do I need a different hub? Any suggestions would be appreciated


  • If the Hub is in modem mode, it just passes through the data, domes not block ports. You need to look at the Eero, especially to see if there is any firewall rules.

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    If the Hub is in modem mode, it just passes through the data, domes not block ports. You need to look at the Eero, especially to see if there is any firewall rules.

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    it is unlikely you need port forwarding for this solar energy app on my iPhone

    • MSHN's avatar
      Tuning in

      Hi, thank you for looking at this 

      The tech support guys at MyEnergi tell me I need to enable port forward on Port 87

      I have set this up and run a test using the above link you sent. Not sure if this port is open? See below

       Would you say 87 is open from the above?




  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    some times the browser skips checking a ports so you may have to refresh the page for another pass but in this case the browser has blocked the port for checking

    if you run CMD with 


    it should show the web page code by port 87

  • Thanks again for the quick reply. I have tried that URL ( in terminal (I'm on a mac) and get the response "no such file or directory". I'm probably misunderstanding your suggestion?

    • legacy1's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      The URL for that port will not work as the browser is blocking it so you have to use  curl in CMD

  • Also, I have tried a number of port forward tools and most show that ports are closed even those which I know must be open (e.g. port 25) to send email for example. I have tried in safari and firefox

    • ravenstar68's avatar
      Very Insightful Person


      You misunderstand how port forwarding works.

      Port forwarding is needed if a device on your network is acting as a server and listening for INBOUND connections on the target port.  It has no effect on outbound connections.  I could go into more detail if you like.

      Also sending mail even if done on port 25 does not need a port forwarded on your network - and nowadays very few outbound servers listen on port 25 for connections anyway.  Port 25 is reserved for transmission between different email providers, users should be sending on ports 465 (SSL/TLS) or port 587 (StartTLS)

      Looking on the MyEnergi site

      Which forwarding port does the hub/device use?

      • Outgoing Port 87 – This is used to initiate the connection to the myenergi servers. No other ports are required.

      If a device on your network is making an Outbound connection to a port on a remote server, then you don't need to do anything.

      The connection is managed by NAT on your home router, it will logthe outbound connection as well as the source and target ports and when the response comes back from the server it will deliver it back to the appropriate device.

      No port forwarding is needed.


  • Hi.

    Just raised a new thread:

    I'm now pretty convinced that the Hub3 in modem mode is not as transparent as it ought to be.

    In modem mode, it really should just act like physical device to take your connection and electronically interface to the coax from ethernet with no interference.  My Synology box tries to write NAT rules to it, yet it should not even see it as a viable target.
