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Virgin Tv Gone

On our wavelength

This week I have logged on 4 times to watch Virgin tv go on my desktop computer its fully up to date through the Microsoft Edge browser i have saved the cookie not to delete when i close the browser and it does not delete but i still get register device i have one more log on then I'm maxed out and need to phone virgin to get a reset this is pathetic can some one give me a SOLUTION to this issue so basically if i log on my desktop computer and fire up the edge browser i can only watch this on 5 separate occasions ???? then I'm maxed out and then i need to phone up which is a pain in the ass I'm sure if  I missed a bill payment you would be on to soon as no wonder you are top of the list of complaints but what is the point complaining we just get the normal [MOD EDIT: Language]  answers , its annoying to say the least funny how the sky sports app works a treat !     


On our wavelength

Now I'm  maxed out (Register Devices) so i can not watch virgin tv go on my desktop and by the way i only have one device my computer , The work around is to phone up and wait until your connected which last time was 40 mins for a reset and i will have the same issue few days later , this useless all we get is reset reset reset please fix this issue My spec windows 10 Microsoft edge browser and the cookie data is saved , but still get register device can we have a SOLUTION PLEASE IS TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR !!!!!


Hello Coye.

Thanks for your post.

Sorry to hear you have maxed out your device limit.

TV Go is best designed to be used on a mobile device as an App.

Although in some cases it does register each web browser log in as a new device.

Have you tried to save the cookies on an alternative browser?

We can reset the device count from here.

If you don't mind, I will need to send you a private message to pass security. 
If you can check the Logo top right of your screen that would be great. 

On our wavelength

Hi Gareth and thanks

I have tried alternative browser but get the same issue even with the cookie data saved so it does not delete when i log off 

Forum Team
Forum Team

Thanks for your time today Coye.

Glad we were able to reset the device limit for you.
