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Removing Virgin Media Cable and Box

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Hello, We have an issue with the old Virgin media box attached to the front facade of our house with cables above ground all exposed and loose and would like these removed. Could you please advise on what is the process for this. Thank you!


Alessandro Volta

This is a common request on the forum. Virginmedia will not usually remove unused cables unless they are a safety tripping hazard. They would prefer to leave them in place in case a future resident might want the service.

The cables and box will be electrically 'dead' so you may decide to remove them yourself. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Thanks, yes I saw that. I’m not a health and safety specialist but cable going from the box is laying loose in front of our front entrance door, so I guess could be classed as a hazard. We don’t mind paying just not sure who to contact - do Virgin offer removal service? We are planning to increase our front window size and have a front extension built too and it’s in a way of both.

Hi Margarita93

Thank you for your post. Welcome to the Community Forums.

I can see that my colleague Matt has reached out and offered to help look into this with you. I will leave you in his hands 😊

Thanks Highway for all your advice on this one!
