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Virgin Media again and again

Dialled in

so virgin media giving me the run around again.

tried to get a renewal quotation and not competitive, then put me through to online service team that's supposed to be able to do better but they didn't listen even.

I have raised it with executive team as one of the team wasn't being honest with me and that's something I not stand and I have sent a copy of that conversation to the exec committee after wasting an hour of my time to get that far.

I dont like ringing up as cant always get past security because of the questions asked.

already waiting for confirmation of the ombudsman ruling to be enforced, 1 part they have done and I have found out be accident when coming to look at my renewal the other they have about a week left to implement or further action could be taken against them.

I hate going through this rubbish why cant we have great service or competitive prices at renewal time that you have to fight for.

It takes 10 minutes to sign up and move and 1 hour and nothing sorted or competitive offered from Virgin.

This time round though I do have a lot more options to leave and get decent speeds,  but it does mean setting up of things again if I move, but when you consider its a couple of hundred quid difference over the contract term it is significant. in fact its over £180 difference over the contract term with Virgin compared to the dela offered to a new customer and whilst a 100mb/s in the difference from its competitor its cheaper still.

Come on virgin get your act together make it a nice experience


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

For contract renegotiation - see Andrew’s interesting comments in message 6 of this old thread-



I do not work for VM. My services: HD TV on VIP (+ Sky Sports & Movies & TNT sport), x3 V6 boxes (1 wired, 2 on WiFi), Hub5 in modem mode with Apple Airport Extreme Router +2 Airport Express's & TP-Link Archer C64 WAP. On Volt 350Mbps, Talk Anytime Phone, x2 Mobile SIM only iPhones.

Dialled in

Hi John,

the problem with Virgin is how they work, unfortunately its very frustrating.

I am expecting someone to ring me on Monday now with better pricing, but the way things are being done there is a lack of consistency in offers for renewal/ upgrade.

One operator cancelled my package earlier which involves a fee, it specifically asked not to until I spoken with the wife and confirmed and I would like to know the last day I give my 30 days notice on so my contract would expire after 30 days an no penalties be paid.

The guy thats ringing back on Monday has allegedly cancelled the cancellation but didn't get a confirmation of this so currently have no idea if they did or didn't cancel the cancellation which wasn't authorised.

so Vodafone have a package that doesn't seem so bad via a switching site and looking into that currently and it looks like the installation could be done in time for the end of my current virgin one and a voucher for £95 and a lot lower pricing than VM as currently offered.

That said the vodfone manual on their router is available to download but cant find the one for the hub 5 and I want to check some things out wrt functionality and changing various things or not depending on capability.

does anyone know where I can get hold of a full manual for the hub 5 as thinking of going 1gig and believe this is the option they will supply with this package.

also the wifi pods is there any detailed info on these?

my understanding there are 3 types but very little info on them, including manufacturer and integrations.

so if anyone has a more detailed info source on these it be useful.

I tend to find virgin media hubs troublesome and run them in modem mode so that is likely where we will end up if we go with virgin.

Alessandro Volta

The Hub 5 is the Sagemcom F@st 3896 device and there is a user manual on Manuals.Lib.

With regard to the Pods, don’t bother - they are awful devices especially because they have to be used in conjunction with the wretched CONNECT app that gives nothing but grief to a whole raft of users posting on this forum.

Your possible intention to use modem mode and your own router/mesh system is wise thinking.  It’s what I do and my 1G circuit performs perfectly with no glitches, packet loss etc.

VM users who have trouble-free experience do not suffer the ridiculously poor customer service that the other poor sods do.

Keep us posted.

Seph - ( DEFROCKED - My advice is at your risk)