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Van driver hit my parked car

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Hi a virgin media driver hit my parked car and drove off he’s dented my boot with an indent and scuffed my bumper I have 12 years no claims if I do claim I have to pay the excess for something one of your drivers did how do we get this resolved? 



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

If you have the registration number of the van, then this is something your insurance should have - especially if you have legal protection on said insurance. Failing to stop after an accident is a criminal offence so you should report to the Police on 101.

Unbeknown to you, the VM staff on this forum don't tend to check posts in this chatter forum - so I've moved it to an appropriate section where they do.

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Jane76, 

Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums.

We're sorry to hear this has happened. It's not something we can look into via the Community. You would need to contact your insurance company and report to the police on 101. 

The insurance company will then investigate and make the necessary contact with us to get this addressed.


Forum Team

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No registration but footage and images of the damage why should I claim on my insurance and pay the excess due to poor driving my car was parked in a permit space the driver did a poor 3-point turn in my road and his left front corner dented my boot I got a reply that makes no sense suspect AI was used and don’t get me started on how difficult it is to get through on the phone  

Hi @Jane76 thanks for your reply.

We'd like to look into this further for you, so please expect a PM from me to arrive shortly and respond directly when you can!
Many thanks
