Forum Discussion

polstar242's avatar
Joining in
12 months ago

Stream box - can’t access Sky Sports despite adding subscription

I'm so bored of talking to Virgin about this. Every day, for 5 days, they’ve promised me it will be added to my subscriptions and everyday I’m given a different excuse.  I’m getting error message TS2/1/2/ERR_400/302/400

Can anyone please help me resolve this? 


  • The first tier helpline are so unclued about Stream problems, it's almost painful. But it's not their fault – it's an offshore helpline and I don't think they've been properly trained in the issues. You are experiencing what I experienced in this thread here. The only way to resolve it is to be asked for it to be escalated to tier two help and ask for the IT team to repair/rebuild the profile that connects the puck to your account. Be nice to the person you're speaking to (remember, it won't be their fault as they're following a script), politely but firmly tell them what you want them to do and then make sure you ask them to read back exactly what you've told them before hanging up – when I spoke to tier two, they found the notes tier one had left on my account bore little relation to what I'd actually said. Good luck.

  • Hi poltstar242,

    Thank you for your post, welcome to the Community Forums. 

    I'm sorry to hear you've been having some issues with your subscriptions on your Stream box. 

    I'll drop you a PM so I can take a look into this with you.