VM Webmail interface security issue?
The VM webmail inbox displays a list of posts on the left hand side and the content of the currently selected email on the right. If i delete that email, webmail automatically selects and displays the next email in the inbox. That email could be a malicious email which I would have selected for immediate deletion without allowing it to be displayed. I can find no way of stopping webmail from automatically displaying the content of the next message when I delete one. I believe that just the act of opening some malicious emails can infect one's tablet, laptop, whatever, even without clicking on any links in the message or opening any attachments. I am currently using a tablet because my laptop was infected by a spoof vm email last Friday. The laptop is quarantined and not able to access the internet. I changed all my passwords using my tablet to make sure there was no possibility of malware on the laptop logging my keystrokes. I have been incredibly careful about which sites I have visited with the tablet and intended to use it for banking etc. while I resolve what to do about the laptop situation. When I last used VM webmail with my tablet on Tuesday and deleted a message it did as described above and automatically opened another spoof VM email. Is my tablet now unsafe to use too? HOw can I stop automatic display of email content. Can your internet security team please advise? Thanks.
nigelss wrote:The VM webmail inbox displays a list of posts on the left hand side and the content of the currently selected email on the right.
HOw can I stop automatic display of email content
That sounds as if you have VM Webmail set to display the "Vertical" view of your emails.
You could try changing that to the "List" view, With that setting the right hand panel just shows a list of the Subject lines of the emails in the inbox and you have to click on an email to open it..
- Click on "View" at the top of that right pane.
- That will give you a list of the view options. I think the "List" setting is what you are asking for.
To improve the security of incoming email click on the cog icon) again top right. Then from the drop down list click on Security .
Then make sure that the box against "Allow pre-loading of externally linked images" is unticked. I think that is VM's default setting but it may have been updated at some point. It's definitely safer not to allow the system to open allow those links to be opened by default.
If that box is unticked it means that if an email does contain external links you will be asked whether you want to allow them to be accessed. Only allow them if you trust the sender.