Forum Discussion

gonipco2's avatar
Joining in
4 months ago

Anybody else enraged with O2 right now?

I am honestly sick to the back teeth angry about this ongoing issue with O2 and their weak excuse of a phone mast not working. The problem is spreading across the UK and we have had no replies, updates, or communication about what the heck is going on only that its been happening for WEEKS. Thousands including myself are living with NO signal. NO phone calls or texts can be made I cant use my phone outside the house without wifi. Cant even make emergency calls....This is beyond maddening and am seriously on the verge of switching to another provider asap. Its downright rude and obnoxious. And to top it all off they STILL charge you for not even using your tariff! Acting like its a normal thing and not an emergency!

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Mobile networks rely on radio sites to provide coverage, and those do have faults from time-to-time. That's completely normal and happens with all operators - no network has 100% uptime for every site up & down the country.