Virgin Media
I had a two hour web chat with Virgin on 10 Sept to explain I'm moving on 4 OCt I want the same existing contract and same package when I moved into my new home (They've changed both). They text two days later to say congrats external work complete, engineer will be with you 5 Oct (day after I moved in). They cancelled engineer on moving in day (4 Oct) and said external work had not started, got another text later that day to say congrats external work completed, engineer coming out on 19 Oct - two weeks without wifi and tv has cost me over £100 in data I have had to buy. Engineer came out on 19 Oct but couldn't connect wifi or tv -said it had to be left with a remote team no more he could do, someone will contact me but of course they didn't. Phoned the painful customer service line was on for 90 mins said they are sending another engineer out today (21st) - no sign of them. How can I leave Virgin and get out of the contract- they are the worst service provider and I just can't take anymore