Virgin media rollout in my area
Hi, it looks like virgin media are installing there 2gb internet through nexfibre full fibre equipment in my nearest areas now. One village just 3 miles down from me, most of the streets as gone live now. I know because few people I know as took out a certain package with virgin.
Now, and even closer village down from me, around 2 miles, can get virgin now as from a week now. What are the chances of them installing there equipment up my location ?. Where I am based is more out of the way like more rural. Was speaking to a virgin rep like 4 months bk, and he told me they installing it in our area then, and he said it's mostly all of post codes in sa13 areas like mine. We screaming for any full fibre from.any company. I would prefer virgin cause it's on there new full fibre network, through there xgs pon.