Forum Discussion

grahamjones31's avatar
Joining in
10 months ago

Hub 4 not appearing in app or wifi pod

I replaced my hub 3 with a hub 4 a few days ago. Since doing this the hub cannot be found in the VM Connect app. My devices are connected to the hub but it is a no show on the app. 
Also, my wifi pod will not connect with the new hub. 

  • Hey grahamjones31, thank you for reaching out and a warm welcome to the community.

    I would reboot the hub and just delete the app and reinstall this.

    Sometimes when you get a new hub it may take a few days for this stuff to appear on the app because its all new.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    ... and re-pairing the customer's VM Pod to the replacement Hub 4 ... D'OH !

  • Hi grahamjones31

    I'll pop you over a PM now so I can ensure that your Pods are paired with your new Hub.
