5 months agoTuning in
DNS resolution for private subdomain failing
Hub5. No parental controls
I have an Microsoft Azure-managed domain. I've added a new subdomain, an A-record with local IP The subdomain is blocked by virgin media DNS.
I have an Microsoft Azure-managed domain. I've added a new subdomain, an A-record with local IP The subdomain is blocked by virgin media DNS.
Its been > 72 hours. I can see that the DNS name is available across the globe, e.g. And when I'm connected to EE I can nslookup it
From inside the hub5 zone I get dns timeout. I've tried overriding virgin media DNS and that doesn't work.
What is strange that I can happily access another of my subdomains via the via home broadband network (a CNAME pointing at an Azure service)
What is strange that I can happily access another of my subdomains via the via home broadband network (a CNAME pointing at an Azure service)
I'm going to be creating a few of these a-records with internal IP.
Is there an article that explains how the DNS works and how I can easily unblock these. I tried emailing without reply.
Is there an article that explains how the DNS works and how I can easily unblock these. I tried emailing without reply.
Kind regards,