Broadband down 24 hours now
Broadband has been down since 5pm Saturday 6th July. The service status pages changes constantly, saying engineers are out to fix it, then they are on their way, then the outage has been identified and raised. It went from 1 issue last night, to 2 this morning, and now it's 3 issues affecting service! Looking at least to be 00:07 tomorrow before a fix is in place, but as the time keeps getting pushed back every couple hours, I hold very little hope.
I work from home and have lost a full day's wage today, which is more than I pay a month for my services. We cannot watch TV either as a broadband connection error notification pops up on screen every few seconds. For an outage to last this length of time is unacceptable, and I am worried I will lose a further day's pay if it's not fixed by the morning. Are Virgin Media going to give me a time when this is 100% going to be sorted by??
Unfortunately there is no SLA with a residential connection, which means you should have a backup connection if you work from home.
All you have is automatic compensation after a two full working days outage: