At wits end - DHCP issues with Virgin Media
Long story short, have a new router and rebooted it (trying to fix a separate problem) and lost internet access. It's now disconnected and wifi re-enabled on Virgin Media box (in router mode which was working fine with wifi disabled).
Now, I have access on some devices. But not on others. Example - an internet radio keeps giving "network timeout" and dhcp errors. So I went into Hub 2.0 and looked at DHCP lease time (not that I have a clue) and it was 24 hours (86400). I changed that to 2 minutes (120) and the internet radio immediately came on. Switched it back to 86400 and timeout again immediately.
I haven't a clue what is going on, but I suspect that DHCP issues from the Virgin Hub are probably causing the fact that my router and radios etc. are all very confused.
Any suggestions? Can a 2 minute DHCP lease cause other issues, and if I revert to 24 hours, and turn the modem off, will everything unlease itself and go back to normal. Thanks!
OK I am now confused.
In the original post the Hub 2 DHCP lease period is mentioned - hence assume Hub 2 is in Router mode.
But in the most recent post a Asus AX52 Router is mentioned - configuration not known.
I would expect the configuration to be Hub 2 in modem mode + Asus AX52 in router mode performing DHCP.
What the post suggests is the Hub 2 is Router mode with DHCP enabled + Asus AX52 but how is this configured ?
Are there two active DHCP severs on the LAN each issuing IPs on a different subnets leading to devices working or not in a hit and miss basis.