Forum Discussion

A-Spoon's avatar
Joining in
3 months ago

Anyway to get a new replacement TV box?

This might be wrong section as not sure what box we had...

So years and years ago, our virgin TV box kept going off. Then it got this weird fishy smell (electrical fault?), so we just dumped it. We did try and ask for a replacement but they didn't seem to understand what we was saying. So we just made do with Netflix etc, an been paying for TV package as it was part of bundle.

Is there anyway to get a new replacement box without having to call up? As they just bombard you with offers and don't seem to understand we don't even have the box lol

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    A-Spoon wrote:

    This might be wrong section as not sure what box we had... has photos of each box.

    The issue you may have, is that all your VM equipment is rented and is not yours to just dump. When a V6 or TV360 is replaced - assuming that's what you had - the old box is returned to VM for refurb/repair. If you can't return equipment that's requested back, non-return charges can apply to cover some cost of replacement.

    VM staff should be along on this forum in a day or so.

    • A-Spoon's avatar
      Joining in

      I think this was the one we had

      It was giving off a burning smell sometimes and then it had weird fishy smell. Wife and kids were freaked out by it and didn't want it in the house. So dumped it in case it was fire risk

      • japitts's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Golly, V-HD boxes have been obsolete since many years, I can't even find a date on Google.

        My understanding is that customers with such boxes were proactively moved across to TiVo/V6 since quite a few years. And that's before the whole TV360 debate starts. Safe to say that box is only good for the recycling centre.

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    The Liberate TV platform that drove V & V+ boxes was indeed shut down around 10 years ago now. They should have contacted you to say the box was no longer supported & offer a replacement.

    The forum staff here should be able to sort you out & will respond in a couple of days.