Forum Discussion

emmylou1985's avatar
On our wavelength
3 months ago

Amazon prime series link not working

I’ve got series links set up for Amazon prime. So I can have quick access to the episodes I want, but since the weekend these has disappeared. If I want to watch them I have to go into the amazon app itself and then go to my list to find the programme. Not a major problem, just a bit faffy. Just wondered if there was currently a problem with Virgin series links and Amazon prime? 

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Do the VoD shortcuts appear in the "not currently available" folder at the bottom of "My Shows"?

    I don't have Amazon to offer an attempt to replicate, but the SL & shortcuts setup is the same with Netflix. You can either create VoD shortcuts to individual programmes, or create a series link that includes streaming videos.

    Which are yours?

    • emmylou1985's avatar
      On our wavelength

      No they are still showing in my shows but there nothing in the folder once you click on it. Not sure if my box just needs a little update?

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Ah - so you've got a folder still present but no shortcuts inside of it. That's a subtly different issue.

    If you find the programmes in question via "Search & Explore", can you add shortcuts to the relevant episodes manually?

    • emmylou1985's avatar
      On our wavelength

      I think I’ve sorted it, I had to play around with the series link but not really change anything ie change from new and repeats to everything. I think making it set up a new link reset the original link. It’s fixed now, so I’m happy 🙂

      • japitts's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        emmylou1985 wrote:

        I had to play around with the series link .... I think making it set up a new link reset the original link. It’s fixed now.

        You can only have one series-link per programme, so it sounds like prodding the SL options did the trick here.