Forum Discussion
- roy247Superstar
The quick answer is no you can't send the mini box back for a 360 with hard drive. You just need to press record on the mini box soo it records on the "main box" which ever that one is if you have have two boxes with hard drives and then watch it as a recording.
The bad news for you is if one of your converted V6 boxes fails that may also be replaced by a mini box. All down to the fact that 360 (Horizon software for Global Media) is based around cloud recordings and the UK version was modified to have a hand drive because apparently the UK TV companies don't like you having cloud storage.
- japittsVery Insightful Person
TV360 is fundamentally built around being an "online" box first and foremost, with VM-UK offering one hard drive pooled around an entire home of multiroom boxes.
If you think you'll want to pause a live programme for longer than the limited pause, you'll need to set it to record on the main box and play it back from there. The very fact you already have 2 x TV360 master boxes is a mitigation of having converted V6, but each box having its own hard drive is very much a plus-point of the TiVo/V6-software platform. As already mentioned, if one of your TV360-masters develops a fault, it will be replaced with a TV360-mini.
- nodrogdVery Insightful Person
VM has made a temporary modification to allow two recording locations for V360 boxes. Your recordings list is held on a server. That server is the master list of your recordings, so the list on your box is a copy. When you play a recording the server tells your box where to locate it & the box accesses & plays it. As a result 3 boxes is a no go, & when one of your existing migrated V6s fails you will lose the storage on that too.
This is another disadvantage of Horizon as a TV platform. It does not work if your internet goes down. So even trying to access recordings on the same box you are trying to watch on, unless you’ve started watching the recording on that box already when you lose internet it won’t be able to locate it despite it being on it’s own hard drive.
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