Forum Discussion

Callinder's avatar
Up to speed
5 months ago

Relocate mini 360 box

I have  a mini 360 box in my spare bedroom which is next to the kitchen. Would it be possible to have this moved to the kitchem where the coaxial cable to the bedroom goes past the door to the kitchen?

  • You'd need to ring up for an engineer visit.   £25 is the standard charge.

  • Callinder wrote:

    I have  a mini 360 box in my spare bedroom which is next to the kitchen. Would it be possible to have this moved to the kitchem where the coaxial cable to the bedroom goes past the door to the kitchen?

    If this coax cable is the one currently connected to the mini box can you not reroute it to the kitchen or is it not long enough to where you want the mini box or too long so it needs shortening.

    If it needs altering then you will need an engineer and as already said it's a £25 charge. You can either call Virgin on 150 from a Virgin phone, mobile or landline, or 0345 454 1111 or wait here for one of the forum team to pick this up which might be 2 to 3 day's.

    • Callinder's avatar
      Up to speed

      I could do this but I was hoping to keep the existing wiring and just attach a splitter and run another length of cable, about 3-4 metres, to allow me to have the mini box in the kitchen when the bedroom isn't being used. Which since my daughter moved back to my wife's house is, to all intents and purposes, permanently.

      • roy247's avatar

        If you need / want a splitter installed and 2 output connectors then you will also need a terminator (you will be able to swap it between the 2) connected to the unused connector to stop noise ingress into the system.