Forum Discussion

Cover2231's avatar
Joining in
12 months ago

Hdmi switching back to virgin box

Hi new virgin user here with a couple of problems.

1. I have my virgin box connected to my yamaha amp through a high speed hdmi cable.i also have connected to the amp a blu ray player with high speed hdmi cable. problem arise when switching to blu ray player, every now and again the amp defaults back to the virgin box.

Have tried all types of settings and the only 2 things to stop this are to connect virgin box direct to TV or easier option place virgin box in standby and problem disappears.

Not many settings on virgin box to try to stop this happening.

Problem 2 is my lg oled b1 cannot get remote to talk to virgin box I can try and sit there 20 mins pressing button on screen and get no response ..

Thanks in advance for any help with these.

  • Cover2231 wrote:

    Problem 2 is my lg oled b1 cannot get remote to talk to virgin box I can try and sit there 20 mins pressing button on screen and get no response ..

    Thanks in advance for any help with these.

    Hi Cover2231

    Try the following instead of accepting and setting the 360 box up as Virgin on your Oled B1, by manually performing a search for Ziggo instead :-

    Go to the Universal Control Settings and manage the settings for VM set top box, it's probably easier to delete them (you can always allow the LG to set them as VM later if you aren't happy) then highlight HDMI1 (or whichever port your 360 is connected to) and click manage settings > Start Setting > Set Top Box > Next > Next    then ignore the box saying Virgin (your region) and click on View all and then move the cursor to the white Search bar and type in Ziggo

    On the next screen highlight (click) on Ziggo below the search bar and then click on Next

    On the following screen click on Start Test (this starts the remote control test wwhichc attempts to change the channel on the 360 box when you press OK using the LG Smart remote) You need to keep clicking on No until the channel changes and then click Yes

    You should then be able to control the 360 using the LG Smart remote - the basic functions such as typing in the channel number you want, and volume up/down or changing the channel using up/down keys.  You get additional options by pressing the three dots button on the LG remote (just below the number 9 key) such as Power, Menu, Guide, and Information


  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Cover2231 wrote:

    Problem 2 is my lg oled b1 cannot get remote to talk to virgin box I can try and sit there 20 mins pressing button on screen and get no response ..

    Thanks in advance for any help with these.

    Hi Cover2231

    Try the following instead of accepting and setting the 360 box up as Virgin on your Oled B1, by manually performing a search for Ziggo instead :-

    Go to the Universal Control Settings and manage the settings for VM set top box, it's probably easier to delete them (you can always allow the LG to set them as VM later if you aren't happy) then highlight HDMI1 (or whichever port your 360 is connected to) and click manage settings > Start Setting > Set Top Box > Next > Next    then ignore the box saying Virgin (your region) and click on View all and then move the cursor to the white Search bar and type in Ziggo

    On the next screen highlight (click) on Ziggo below the search bar and then click on Next

    On the following screen click on Start Test (this starts the remote control test wwhichc attempts to change the channel on the 360 box when you press OK using the LG Smart remote) You need to keep clicking on No until the channel changes and then click Yes

    You should then be able to control the 360 using the LG Smart remote - the basic functions such as typing in the channel number you want, and volume up/down or changing the channel using up/down keys.  You get additional options by pressing the three dots button on the LG remote (just below the number 9 key) such as Power, Menu, Guide, and Information