Forum Discussion

edeisk9's avatar
Joining in
3 months ago

Switching from virgin media

Hi everyone, as title says.

I'm switching from virgin media to BeFibre mainly due to cost and virgin being uninterested in keeping a customer.

BeFibre have asked for a broadband service id number as well as customer number, I've given them my customer number but I am unsure of where to get the broadband service id. Customer service from virgin has been absolutely abysmal.

Any help would be much appreciated

  • -tony-'s avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    cannot answer your question but would ask why they want it - the only possible reason i can think of is they think they can cancel your VM account if they have that info - they cannot - only you can do that so unless they come up with a good reason other than that giving them the info is pointless and it could be argues you are giving personal info which you might not want to in the longer term

  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Hi edeisk9 

    A quick google search suggests the broadband service ID would actually be the landline telephone number, however there was no mention of VM found in my search results, instead they all appeared to be IP's that carry Open Reach connections or used traditional copper-based broadband services. 

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    But not all broadband accounts include phone numbers. 

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Broadband IDs relate to the local loop wiring from the Openreach/BT telephone exchanges, which is all shared infrastructure. Obviously, VM with it's own network does not have any customer links to these exchanges.