Forum Discussion

sabau's avatar
Tuning in
6 months ago

Street cabled but not the house I'm buying

Hello everyone, I'm in the process of moving and the house I'm buying is not showing on the list when checking the area. The rest of the street shows up, but not mine. I'm an existing customer. What can I do?

  • The staff forum team here should be able to get spotters sent out to assess the works required for any properties not listed on already cabled streets. This is not a guarantee you will get connected for 2 reasons:

    1) If there are any obstructions that would lead to the install going over the allocated budget for a single install.

    2) Capacity issues. In legacy cable areas there are a finite number of connections that can be made per network segment. If this is exceeded then the service level for all customers in the segment is likely to drop below the minimum guaranteed speeds.

    You should get a response here in a couple of days.

  • I just signed up to ask exactly this.
    I have asked customer serivce via webchat and they were not helpful, just stating that "we'll let you know when it's available in your area". Well, it is in my area - literally all the surrounding houses are on the list, and people in the same building are on the list.
    I think both of us would like to know how we can escalate this question to someone in the know, not just standard cookie-cutter-answer customer service reps.

  • I am currently communicating via chat and receiving the same generic response. The property next to the one I'm purchasing has Virgin Media.

    "Alright. Upon checking on your new address, we would loved you to continue with our services, however, it looks like the area you're moving to is currently not cabled by Virgin. We’re constantly updating our coverage areas though and once we have fibre optic lines installed in there, we'll make sure to get you notified. In the meantime, I’ll place a disconnection order on your account 30-60 days from now or on your moving date to ensure that no additional charges will be applied on your account once you move out. Since you're moving to an area we do not cover yet, let me discuss how can we waived your disconnection fee."

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    The staff forum team here should be able to get spotters sent out to assess the works required for any properties not listed on already cabled streets. This is not a guarantee you will get connected for 2 reasons:

    1) If there are any obstructions that would lead to the install going over the allocated budget for a single install.

    2) Capacity issues. In legacy cable areas there are a finite number of connections that can be made per network segment. If this is exceeded then the service level for all customers in the segment is likely to drop below the minimum guaranteed speeds.

    You should get a response here in a couple of days.

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    sabau wrote:

    Hello everyone, I'm in the process of moving and the house I'm buying is not showing on the list when checking the area. The rest of the street shows up, but not mine. I'm an existing customer. What can I do?

    There could be various past reasons that a particular house is showing as unserviceable (such as wayleave issues, problems with installation, installation costs etc.) or simply and admin issue where your address is missing from the VM database.

    Does your actual address appear on the list but saying you can't get VM services or is your individual address not showing on the list at all?

    If your area is connected based on VM cabling from underground, a simple starting point you could check would be to see if you have there is a VM access plate in the pavement outside your home. If there is one your chances will be better than without one for that type of connection.

    • sabau's avatar
      Tuning in

      All the other house numbers on the street are visible except for mine.

      • Steven_L's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hello sabau,

        Welcome to the community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums. I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your new property not being serviced at the moment. I would be happy to take a further look into this for you but first I would need to confirm a few details via private message, please look out for my message and we can get started.
        Kind Regards,

  • Best waiting till someone from Virgin contacts you via this forum. I had the same issue and after numerous phone calls and web chats I was told multiple times it was not possible even though next door had Virgin. Someone from here arranged an engineer visit and now Virgin is getting installed in my property within the next couple of weeks. Ignore the webchat.