Vulnerable elderly exploited
I’m am currently in shock at firstly, the lack of people available to speak to about what I feel is a serious issue, and secondly, the issue itself. My mother in law is currently moving home, and after being a virgin customer for years, the home she is moving to has sky, so she needs to cancel. It is only at this point that we find out how much she is paying as she is told she has a huge early termination fee to get out of the contract. She has another 6 months to run on an 18 months contract that she knows nothing about. She has not been emailed anything to review, and she hasn’t even been sent a bill in the last 12 months, so I would suggest all! The lack of care and the lack of anyone even willing to discuss is shocking. I spoke to customer support who fully understood….before passing me to an out of hours voicemail, never to be seen again! I honestly cannot get my head around the fact that someone has completely taken advantage of this elderly and vulnerable woman, and they are now only interesting in charging her more to get out of a contract she didn’t even know she had!! I really did not appreciate how poor the virgin media customer service was until today.