Incorrect bill after retentions deal
I entered into a new deal on 24th Apr 2024 via retentions. I can see the new contract on "My virgin media" and the start date is effective of 24th April 2024. However a bill also generated on 24th April against the old contract for the May to June period which is out of contract and is almost £200 rather than the new contract amount. The retentions person added a credit to the account to compensate for the massive price difference, so I wouldn't be paying the near £200. I can see this credit, but it doesn't appear to be against this bill as it is still totaled at almost £200 and a new bill hasn't been generated to reflect this new price. I have spoken to support agents multiple times who have all assured me that my bill is X rather than the extortionate amount. But I'm not seeing this reflective anywhere. I also have an ongoing complaint that hasn't been responded to as of 30th April.