Forum Discussion

bhaskarsamani's avatar
5 months ago

cancelled virgin media

on 29 july i cancelled my virgin media contract when it was due to end on 9 September

i got a email to confirm this  

the email said


We're sorry you're leaving - but we'll make sure your disconnection is as smooth and easy as possible. We just need to tie up a few loose ends, so please read on.

There are 3 steps in the disconnection process:

why does it now say my next bill is £ 58.71

also the thing about the final bill IS GONE! what happened to it?

this should of been my final bill, 6 September to 9 September 

  • Hi bhaskarsamani 👋 Welcome back to the community forum! 
    Thanks for posting to make us aware of these billing concerns surrounding your disconnection. 

    Your services are actively billed right up until the date of disconnection (including any services in advance), however, as once the disconnection processes, you then receive a final bill which includes any pro-rata charges that need to be refunded to you. 

    As we've not quite reached 9th September, it does sound like your services have not yet been disconnected and so this isn't your final bill yet. (This can particularly happen based on your billing cycle vs connection date.)
    However we can check this for you, and ensure you have all the information you need about the billing. We will just need to confirm a few details via PM to do so. You can find the PM in the top right corner of the page in your Inbox. 📩 We can then return to this public thread with another update when possible. Thank you for your patience in the meantime!

    Wishing you all the best. 🌞