3 months agoJust joined
I am absolutely furious! Took out a Volt Bundle last August 2023 was mis sold an 02 sim - paying £65 for the bundle plus extra £27.50 for the 02 sim which I was told was inlcluded in the package and...
For clarity, the start date of your Volt package is August 2023 and you have now only just realised the overpayment after more than 12 months?
How did you take out the deal (phone call, chat, Whatsapp etc.)?
The answer to this may determine what sort of records VM has retained from when you set up the package e.g. VM call recordings have a retention period of 6 months.
Have you made use of the SIM since you started the bundle?
The ombudsman would be your route to obtain third party adjudication but you may struggle to progress your complaint IMHO as you are such a long way into the 18 month minimum term.