Latest Phishing News 23/08/2024
Latest Phishing News 23/08/2024
We have been informed about phishing emails that contains the content copied below. They were NOT sent by Virgin Media and should not be responded to. Do NOT visit the link included in the mails or response
We've closed all old/basic versions of our Mailbox as of today Please follow the link below to upgrade now Failure to do this. Your account will be closed.
Thank you,
Virgin Media
Email 2
Email synchronization error in the inbox
The mail server has blocked 4 messages due to an IMAP/SMTP error
You have 4 incoming messages pending
Click to View, Unblock, or Delete your pending messages.
Email account:
Email 3
Dear User,
All old versions of virginmedia accounts will stop receiving email messages due to recent security upgrades.
Please click the button below to avoid service interruption.
New Version
Failure to do this within 24 hours, your account will be deactivated.
Email 4
virgin media
Notification: Urgent Action Required
Your premium membership has ended, and you have 48 hours to renew it before your account is dactivated. Despite our previous notifications, we have not received a response. Renew now to avoid a disruption of service.
Reference Number 36747784-UK
User xxxx.xxxxx.x
Expiriation Date Tue, 20 Aug 2024
Exclusive Offer 85%
Renew Now
Email 5
Dear Customer,
I am the representative of the Ѵirgіnmedіa customer service center.
We have recently received 42 complaints regarding your email account.
Date: Thu,22 Aug-2024
Complaints received from: Ѵirgіn .com
Complaints: Sending malware and viruses
Thousands of spam emails have been sent from your email address in the past 3 days. We now require your statement to avoid the deletion of the email account within 48 hours.
We recommend you install an antivirus, and we will choose the best one for you.
Scan for Viruses