Latest Phishing News 21/03/2024
Latest Phishing News 21/03/2024
We have been informed about phishing emails that contains the content copied below. They were NOT sent by Virgin Media and should not be responded to. Do NOT visit the link included in the mails or response
We are closing all old version of our Mailbox as of Today Please follow the link below to update your account:
Failure to do this, your account will be closed.
Thank you,
Please do not reply to this message. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.
Email 2
Virginmedia- Subscription Termination Notice
Your Subscription has Closed at Wed,20 Mar-2024.
[ Final Warning ]
Account Details
Account ID
90 %
Limited Time:
Wed,20 Mar-2024
Dear xxxxxxx,
We have tried to reach your account several times with notifications and alerts, but we did not receive a response from you.
Renew your subscription because you are now unprotected against cyber attacks and hackers For your security, we strongly recommend renewing your subscription.
If you have not renewed your membership within 48 hours, your account will be closed.
Secure Your Device
Don't let your defenses crumble! Renew your shield now and enjoy the exclusive discount before it's too late.
Email 3
Dear Customer,
We prevented the delivery of 7 new emails to your inbox as of ##21-03-2024## because you have an older version installed.
To view your messages, click the link below and accept our new terms and conditions.
Restore E-mail
Virgin Service Inc
2024 Virgin. All Rights Reserv
VSl accredited
Email 4
If you have not renewed your membership, your account will be closed within 48h.
YourtursМcΑbthaxfee Total Protection Subscription has Closed at Wed,20 Mar-2024.
[ Final Warning ]
ythantoWe'ubptwlve ironmdattemppxtqfvzcted to czwinazkjontactrdkxl you seudnpcveral tisapimes, bucnbjfzvt untmdoijnhfovdlrrtunapekdjetelycujo, wslyqee'keylqtuve recmfvuxyeivzcttored koaqrdno rgcikuqesauedvzovponiyuydzse.
rvueghcTapvrgfhkiwceqwfyng pwqkpfkjrolbtzohmzmpt aecauvncticteson ipbzss ryvafebgvitaidhasnmal; xdncothqbdygjhlerwiqgtilse, ywumwouenvrzfzr denopvviouattce uqiidwwpcowitagkjfulwcpmylcd nanolymencoiwyzbountujelosqqer przsefobleifpoms, potvebcfjsnoaaqllsibxoblgqly leolhzfoasadaonvsbjing tlcytoto gxpdotvsunvppwybjpautuxhxlhorbneuvgizcjcflgled aczzjcckftcesbxbfngxs tsralo ynwebevfaoueahgblr emplgntieioekre rqihcangxqdxue obadqjrusf yhlyrfbdacfweasta, inogyschbqydlrzludijakzng actrotqacoalfrwmbuntskibyp, phwzsiotos,ilpsqx ancgtysd pgtmdaymfqahjxahent ifkouhyunformnogioiyatifejmpkon.