Latest Phishing News 20/05/2024
Latest Phishing News 20/05/2024
We have been informed about phishing emails that contains the content copied below. They were NOT sent by Virgin Media and should not be responded to. Do NOT visit the link included in the mails or response
Email 1
Virgin media
Respected User,
We are getting rid of all old mailboxes that aren't backed up with our recent cloud database in order to reduce congestion and free up spaces. According to our records, you are using an old (Virgin media) mailbox.
To protect your privacy, update and verify your account.
Our team is taking steps to ensure your account is protected and secure .
Best regards,
Thanks for using Virgin-media
Email 2
You are still using the old security settings.
Please use the maintenance portal below to switch and automatically enable your new settings to avoid service interruption and delays in outgoing/incoming mails.
Sign in
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thanks for using .
Copyright © 2024
Email 3
Virgin's 02 Media
We had a breach in our server. We implore you to restore your account below.
Failure to do so may result in account deactivation.
Thank you
Customer Team
Email 4
Dear User,
This is an Automated Notification that your email password expires today. click below to Re-validate credentials
Link expires in 24 hours, use the link above to avoid E-Mail access restrictions.
Email 5
First of all, thank you for being a Virgin Media customer.
At Virgin Media, we want to make sure we give you the best products and services we can. We've put together a few questions and would really appreciate your feedback so we can make improvements wherever we can.
Click h ere to give us your feedback. It should take no more than 3 minutes to complete.
Virgin Media looks after the data collected and may use it together with information already held about you (e.g. the products you have) to make sure you're getting the products and services you want. This will be shared with the customer service team; however we will never share this information with anyone outside of Virgin Media without your consent. All the information collected is treated in accordance with the Virgin Media and Medallia privacy policies.
Can we help you with anything else? If you need any help or support with your products or services simply visit xxxxxxxx. Or to get in touch, visit []
Thanks very much in advance for your help.
Yours sincerely,
The whole team at Virgin Media
Email 6
Virgin media
Dear Valued Customer, you may experience a challenge while using your Webmail. While we are working to improve service on the app, please use the link below to secure your account:
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Email 7
You are still using the old Email Security Setting
"Starting from May 21st 2024, Customers that are yet to update their account will no longer be able to login via their email addresses due to recent new year upgrades.
For more information on safeguarding your account, please visit our Help Page
Email 8
Virgin media
This is an automated message from our server informing you that there has been a persistent error (code:505) sent from this email address, which has put your address in the queue for closure.
Use below to restore your email and confirm it immediately.
Get My EmaiI Back Here.
Our team is taking steps to ensure your account is protected and secure.
Best regards,
Thanks for using Virgin-media.
Email 9
Virgin media
We are closing all old versions of our mailbox as of today, Please follow the link below to update your account to New Version:
Failure to do this. Your account will be Closed.
Thank You.
Email 10
Dear user, You are still using the old Email Security Setting
We are sorry. customers that are yet to update their Comcast Webmail account are not allowed to send and receive mail on their account. Kindly update your account to stay connected and avoid total disconnection from May 19th, 2024.
CLICK HERE to update now to access mail.
Thank You.
Please do not reply to this message. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.
Email 11
o2 Media Mail
Dear Customer,
We prevented the delivery of 7 new emails to your inbox as of ##4-10-2024## because you have an older version installed.
To view your messages, click the link below and accept our new terms and conditions.
Restore E-mail
Virgin Service Inc
2024 o2 Support. All Rights Reserv
VSl accredited
Email 12
Dear User,
Due to our recent server upgrade, you are required to immediately check into our new server to avoid the loss of your webmail account and also to enjoy our newly upgraded features !
Go to Update Now
Please do not reply to this email. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.
For assistance, log in to your email website and choose the "Help" link on any page.
Customer Service Email ID: #1009. c 2021!, Inc. All rights reserved.
Email 13
We emailed you last month to let you verify the changes we are making to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. These changes are key steps toward creating what's next for our users. In order to continue to access your account after 25th May 2024.
Update Account
ImportantNote: Kindly take a minutes to update account to avoid File/Data Disconnections
All Rights Reserved
Email 14
virginmedia (c) 2024 Review
Dear user,
Your in-coming Emails were placed on-hold due to lack of our recent upgrade which may lead to permanent deletion of your account from our system data-base.
Kindly take a minute to upgrade your account below
Click here
Note: In 24 hours your virginmedia account will be deactivated if not upgraded..
virginmedia respects your privacy. Read our privacy policy for more information.