Forum Discussion
- Cardiffman282Trouble shooter
Most liked comment on the article "I'm amazed that TNT managed to get through to Virgin Media."
- arrgee1991Problem sorter
I suppose it is inevitable that TNT Sport will only be available on Discovery plus for £31/month. Can’t say I would pay that much for the odd Premier League game. UEFA games are all I have it for, so I guess I could get it from September to November and March to May when needed.
- japittsVery Insightful Person
It's quite amusing how, despite the article mentioning various TNT sports rights, the headline is football.
If history is anything to go by, these things tend to be resolved after a couple of headline press releases by one side or the other. I'd guess that VM have more to lose than WBD, but repeating the UKTV episode wouldn't be ideal for either side.
Time'll tell.
- GreggyOn our wavelength
Evening having just read Virgin and TNT sport are arguing over costs if TNT sports do cut ties with Virgin will the additional charge for TNT be removed automatically or do i have to sort out ?
- nodrogdVery Insightful Person
No TNT Sports means no TNT Sports. They will be switched off at source & any Premium channel contracts will either be ceased or suspended. You won't be paying for something you don't get. It hasn't happened yet, & might well not.
- Roger_GoonerAlessandro Volta
The fact is that both parties need each other and TNT will be very aware that failure to agree carriage terms with VM also means few punters being prepared to shell out £30.99pm for the discovery+ Premium plan. I predict that a new deal will get done.
- japittsVery Insightful Person
Roger_Gooner wrote:The fact is that both parties need each other...I predict that a new deal will get done.
Absolutely this. Although WBD could "work around" the loss of linear carriage on VM, it would not be an easy sell and not one either party would want.
There's a lot more to these carriage agreements than most of us probably realise, and I also rather suspect there will be compromise on both sides sooner or later.
- OLD_BOY_ASKINGOn our wavelength
I am hopeful that these negotiations will not only secure the service for sports fans but also include the Discovery+ streamer.
Discovery+ is the last of the main streamers (apart from NOW, but that is a different story!) that Virgin really does need to get as soon as possible.
Fingers crossed on this one.
- Roger_GoonerAlessandro Volta
On the basis of what I've seen happen with other streaming apps, I'm confident that VM will get the discovery+ app on its 360 and Stream boxes.
- adhirenDialled in
yes, it's a shame Discovery+ is still not available on TV360 particularly when every moment of the Olympics is being aired live and on-demand on Eurosport and Discovery+
- newapolloVery Insightful Person
The Summer Olympics start on 26th July. You don't need Discovery+
Eurosport 4K has been testing on VM since 1st July.
The additional pop up streams Eurosport 3HD to Eurosport 9HD have been testing on VM since 2nd July.
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