Forum Discussion

Bethany281995's avatar
Joining in
9 months ago

I want my virgin cable and internet box removed from inside my house ?

My cable box for phone and tv needs takeing down I have a 3 mouth old who is showing that he might crawl around soon I am not with virgin but the big long white wire is a trip hazard also it looks like the white box has electric wires coming off the wall behind where the box is also the white box is loose one screw is already come out the other is on its way out also the brown box outside looks like it is falling off and i can see wires behind it as well can a Electrion just come and remove the inside box and fix any phone or electrical wires that could be lose behind the white box. It was the people who lived here before that had virgin like I said am really worried that the wires could be a fire hazard or could make my baby have an electric shock. 

  • The cables are not electrified to the best of my knowledge and it should be perfectly safe to remove any loose cable coming from the inside box. VM might be able to help with the external one given the potential risk for your son. 

  • The cables are not electrified to the best of my knowledge and it should be perfectly safe to remove any loose cable coming from the inside box. VM might be able to help with the external one given the potential risk for your son. 

  • Not as bothered by the outside brown box as it’s easier to keep people away from them then it is the white box and wires inside my home in the living room that’s more of the hazard because like I said there are coloured wires behind it so am not sure if they are electrical they should not be but I don’t want to touch anything if I don’t know what they do. Also heard that you can’t touch the brown boxes because it could mess with there cable tv or phone lines and you could be lieable if it effects people on your street I don’t understand how you could get in trouble because the box is at the front of the home on a street anyone could go around cutting them. I have a feeling virgin won’t do anything but a normal electricton should be able to disconnect the wires outside and take the white box and the stuff inside my home out seems really dumb if they can’t. Surely if virgin won’t remove something and somebody gets hurt because of this in my eyes they should be liable because it’s there stuff that has made it happen and they claim this stuff is owed by them so why do they refuse to look after or fix this stuff it’s my house at the end of the day and it’s on my home 

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    VM usually declines to deal with legacy wires outside the home when people ask on here and I can't recall them ever offering to deal with legacy cabling inside. If they started doing that, they would simply create a vast, never-ending pile of costly work for themselves.

    As has already been mentioned, there is nothing to stop you (or a local contractor, electrician etc.) from removing the internal wiring all the way back to omnibox outside (where there is usually a connector inside the omnibox which allows the internal wiring to be separated from the external wiring).