Dangerous driver
I feel like when you work for a brand you represent them in how conduct when you drive their van also! This man driving BJ73OWK is an appalling inconsiderate driver. It does not matter if you are not working if you are driving company van then you must carry the values and represent the company and the brand especially when it is obvious you are driving a virgin media van. I am a pregnant woman who was parking on a public road, this aggressive inconsiderate vile driver saw I put my hazards on to reverse into the spot and he unsafely decided to drive into the spot that I was parking in. This could have not just caused an accident but distress to me and my baby as I am pregnant. It has put me off virgin media as a whole as if this is the type of people they employee who have no decorum is absolutely appalling. This was a rather dangerous and selfish act and I’m sure not aligned with company values. All my family and myself have virgin media but it has definitely made me not want to renew my contracts the following year. Appalling behaviour.