2 weeks ago
Started yesterday. V6 downstairs (upstairs is fine)
Boots, welcome, starting up. Then kept restarting every few mins. Left it overnight. Tried today and got message about being a new box, continued and recordings are there but have c133 error on screen. Went to settings to connect to virgin media service and saw unrecoverable error stated on page but went to connect anyway.
All connects apart from 'loading info' which gets to 3% displays error 7400 and sorry seems to be a problem and then V6 reboots again. Done this over and over. Rang support and rebooted everything again and gave error code. Same things happened again.
Support told me to turn off virgin router and V6 which then cut off the call. Rang me back and still same issue. Then asked me to disconnect ethernet and WPS connect from virgin router. At this point I said I'm running 3rd party router off of the virgin hub. Told me I need to go to 3rd party router support. But I said my router isn't going to be restarting my V6 box all the time but he said sorry can't help until I connect it direct to virgin hub.
Everything else WiFi, 2nd V6 upstairs is fine running the way I have it. Restarted and connected downstairs to WiFi instead of ethernet and still same issue. Now I have nearly all channels greyed out and asking if I wish to subscribe to them. Something is wrong with this box not my router. V6 has just restarted itself once again while on WiFi now with C233 error. V6 upstairs is fine connected to virgin media service through same router with today's date of last attempt. Downstairs not connected and last success was on 12th Dec.
Who can I raise this with now?
2 weeks ago
"8O 5
Virgin Media Service interrupted
The TiVo box has not connected successfully to the Virgin Media Service for more than 30 days. (M58)
Until the TiVo box connects successfully, no programmes will be recorded, software updates will not be available, and any premium services on the TiVo box will be interrupted.
If this continues, please visit virginmedia.com/tvcode end enter Eror Code (M58)
Press OK to continue
2 weeks ago
@sorethumbs wrote:Who can I raise this with now?
Primary fault reporting is on 0345 4541111 or 150 from a VM phone.
Forum staff respond on these boards on a non-urgent basis.
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2 weeks ago
Thanks. Tried a reset with a view that no harm done as they'd go anyway if they replace box. Got in a restart loop and power/+ didn't work.
Engineer monday
2 weeks ago
Error code M58 and 7400 tie in together. If a box hasn't been connected for around 30 days it is de-activated and needs re-activating again.
Is there any reason why it hasn't been used for that length of time? Have you recently changed contract and had one of the boxes removed from your set up? Or have you requested a box swap/replacement box as that would deactivate a working box?
Try calling 0800 953 9500 which is the activation line and have the box serial number (shoud be on a sticker on the box base) along with your account number and area number which can be found on your bills and contract.