3 weeks ago
Been with VM for decades, but hardly ever used On demand (basically becuse it never worked and it was easier to get things from other sources).
Im now trying my hardest to watch the new Walking Dead series but im up to episode 4 and still haven't seen the end of any of the episodes.
It either crashes back to the menu, or crashes back to the current live channel, or restarts.
What im really frustrated with is there is no ability to fast forward to the point i got cut off. I know there are supposed to be, but i cant see any way of actually using these controls. I get icons on the screen but nothing ever works other than play/pause. Am i really expected to sit for 40 mins watching what ive already seen just to see the last 2 mins?
I guess it’s off to ‘the bay’ again and i see no reason to continue with the TV package.
3 weeks ago
Hi dave_bass5,
Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums. ⭐
We're sorry to hear you're having an issue with watching the end of programmes via On Demand. Do you notice this happening on all catch up content as well as any recordings or is on exclusively just with On Demand content. As you've been unable to then fast forward, this also means there could be a fault. Is this the same for recordings and live TV too?
Can you try unplugging the box for a few minutes and then leaving it boot back up and trying again? Does this change things and allow you to skip forward and watch the end?
Keep us posted and let us know how you get on.
3 weeks ago
Do you have any example episodes that are crashing out, and the point in the programme where they do so?
If there's an issue with individual assets, those can be replicated and raised as faults.
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2 weeks ago
Sorry for the late reply. I ended up getting it on Netflix so didnt go back to On Demand.