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Netflix not loading

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Hi all, my Netflix is not loading on my virgin box just get a spinning red circle. I have tried turning box and router off and back on but still no luck. I can access Netflix on other devices but not on my virgin box. Any suggestions?


Quick question has it ever worked using the 360, lot's of people were having activation problems using Virgin, definitely a call to Virgin whatever the problem.


It took me almost 6 weeks plus to get my activation sorted and now this I am not even 3 months into my contract.

Hi Monad1980,

Thank you for reaching back out tom us and for your post, how are things since your last post, are you now able to use Netflix on your 360 box and see available content?



Hi no luck so far using it through my smart tv of iPad at the moment 

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Forum Team (Retired)

I will send you over a private message to confirm some details. 




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Hi was there a resolution to this, I have been having this problem for 3 months

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @adar1

Do you see a spinning red circle or do you see the Netflix logo appear and then disappear, leaving the the “N” with the loading icon going round?

If it's the latter then go to Home > Settings > Audio & Video >  Match Frame Rate > set  'match frame rate'  to Off

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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Hi the issue has been resolved once I was contacted by a mediator via this channel. Not sure why they did in the background. Sorry I cannot help further.