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Noisy intelligent Pod


Since this morning, my Wi-Fi pod has become very loud,, almost like a steam iron sound or a fan spooning very loud.

Also quite warm to the touch and seems to have lost Wi-Fi signal despite restarting router and the pod itself.

Is it faulty and needs replacing?


On our wavelength

Yes. But HOW does it know to connect to MY network and not any of the others in the block of flats? 

I'm looking at the hub list of connected devices but there is nothing called 'pod'. 

Hi EAB2021.

The Pod will be linked by a serial number to the Hub from our side.

On the account from ourside we have the generic code for equipment, then each piece of equipment has its own unique serial number. That is linked to each other. So when you plug it in it will connect.


Hi. Sorry to piggy back this. My pod is doing exactly the same thing - sounds like a small fan is going to burn out very soon. I’m presuming I’m best to turn it off but can do virgin need to run diagnostics before I do on this.